Robotic Hawks

Security b/w Forward Motion - May 7, 2021


Original Artwork courtesy of Jessica Brilli


"Security" written by Otis Redding - Our take was inspired by the Thane Russal and Three version.
"Forward Motion" by Robotic Hawks

Recorded by Robotic Hawks in Nashua, NH

Produced, Mixed, Mastered by Andrew King

RTP - Vocals, Bass, Harmonica on Forward Motion
Shawn Doherty - Guitars, Backing Vox on Forward Motion
Brian Sturk - Drums

“This track has a great 70’s vibe like a punky Elvis Costello feel even though it’s an Otis Redding cover. More contemporary tones are there as well, I liken it a little to Arctic Monkeys and The Strokes but this has a good original vibe to it. It’s hard to believe the band is a trio because the track sounds so full and complete. … The Elvis Costello thing is still there with a very bluesy lead shredding on top of it all.” _Blood Makes Noise on “Security”
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